young woman and man at their business surrounded by boxes

Small Business/SBA Loans

Small Business/SBA Loans

Because Your Business is our Business! As a publicly traded community bank, U.S. Century Bank is especially committed to helping our small businesses grow and prosper. We believe a strong small business sector helps to create a stronger more dynamic community. At U.S. Century Bank, we are all about community! In addition to delivering fast loan commitments, we offer financing solutions that are flexible, competitive, and promptly funded. You can rely on our small business lending team to provide you with the highest level of personalized service and lending expertise. Together we can help build a stronger small business community!

Federally-backed Small Business Administration (SBA) loans were created and designed to support and help expand small businesses throughout the country by partnering with Financial Institutions. U.S. Century Bank is designated as an SBA Preferred Lender, which means our bankers provide the professional expertise and personalized service you and your business deserve.

SBA 7(a) Loan Program

The SBA 7(a) loan is the most popular government-guaranteed loan program. It provides small- to medium-sized businesses access to sources of capital with loan terms that might not otherwise be available.

SBA 504 Loan

SBA 504 loans offer longer terms and fixed rates, which makes them a good option when purchasing capital fixed assets such as commercial real estate, machinery and equipment, or when planning extensive renovations.

Contact our SBA product specialists today!

We provide you with a simple and streamlined process for you to receive a credit line for your business.

With a CD secured loan, we can provide you with the funds you need and the repayment terms that are best for you.

Celebrating the Power of Small Business
with our Customers

Meet Adrian Gonzalez from A&P Air Conditioning
"U.S. Century Bank knows our industry, knows us as a company, and chose to support us in the tough times.  We were able to expand thanks to the help and the support U.S. Century Bank gave us." 

*In participation with the SBA.
All loans are subject to credit approval and product requirements.

Commercial Real Estate Loans

man and woman looking at building plans and building space